Crissy Chance
Crissy Chance
For those readers who have not read April Mayes, you may need some deep background to understand the genesis and framework for this sequel whose roots lie deep in the Crtptid Trilogy. The carryover from the both April Mayes and the Cryptid Trilogy to Crissy Chance is principally with respect to background plot, devices and characters although most often, just the character names remain the same while character personalities change dramatically. References to certain events, technology, and cosmological entities are not fully re-explained in this novel.
I use the artifice, well-known in quantum cosmology, of the theory of the “multiverse”; the "many Worlds Interpretation. It posits that our universe is but one of an infinite number of universes, none of which are identical to any other, and exist independently of one another. While the characters from the Trilogy re-emerge in other universes, I believe the late Stephen Hawking surmised that travel among the discrete universes of the multiverse was not possible. I make it possible through the intervention of immortal beings capable of managing this task, as well as through the Hindu/Buddhist concept of birth, life, death and rebirth; a form of immortality. I take poetic license with these scientific and religious matters, but not to disparage or ridicule.
There is advanced technology that is capable of amazing things driven by artificial intelligence (“AI”), ultra-advanced software, and new materials capable of being shaped and reshaped. Not currently available at Home Depot, but the physics of the device is at least conceivable.
Adam has been allowed to keep certain abilities, but not the kind and quality that he had in the Trilogy. His powers vary from novel to novel, but in each case, he remains a genius software/computer prodigy. All other characters from the Trilogy are shuffled; some don’t appear in one novel and are central characters in others. Their personalities are rearranged from good guys/gals in one novel to evil criminals in another. Their roles and talents change, though when required, Adam can usually restore certain skills and transfer knowledge as required. Adam retains all his accumulated knowledge and experience from lifetime to lifetime.
There are cosmological beings. I am a Deist, so the immortal being in this novel is a god-like being, but not the God of the Bible, the Koran or the Torah. This being and subordinate beings are more akin to the Gods of Greece and Rome. I try to avoid giving a gender to this being, but it’s harder to find a genderless pronoun adequate to the task. In the end, I bow to modern religion and refer to the being as a male. Please, no hate mail.
The ability of an enhanced mortal to enter minds is made possible, as is the telepathic transfer of knowledge.
Finally, we continue the themes of polyamory and pansexuality, the meaning of family, justice, and the evolution of social norms.
The Story
Adam is in New York City when his parents, from whom he is estranged, and an old friend, Crissy Chance, show up on his doorstep. Through various missteps and new characters, Adam discovers that a cache of artifacts discovered in China belonged to Marco Polo, proving he was there, but never left. It is a treasure trove worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The competition to find where the artifacts are sets off a mind bending journey into betrayal, greed and avarice. Who are Anna and Edward St. James, and what is their relationship to Adam St. James.? The adventure is thrilling, the plot tense, and the ending shocking.