Tales of Eidolon: The Futanari
Tales of Eidolon: The Futanari
The story begins with Angelica and Erica, two new college students at freshman orientation who meet by accident and decide to explore becoming roommates. Erica is a bisexual girl whose predilection skews decidedly toward girls, and Angelica is a girl from a small community up in the mountains near Lake Tahoe. The girls hit it off, but is it just a friendly attraction or something else?
As the girls discover more about each other and Angelica's friends and family in and around the Bay area, Erica begins to meet and seduce the women and couples living in their condominium community. Erica soon discovers some amazing differences in physiology, and through an amazing elixir, discovers her own unique propensity for physical change.
Angelica is a futa girl, a futanari.
As the women and couples in the building discover more about each other, and as they explore their erotic worlds together, some aspects are conventional, others far from it. Erica begins to experience change, the kind borne of her new status as a converso, and the power and confidence that comes from her transition from a "regular" to a futanari. She has never experienced such power, freedom and dominion over others, and her singular drive to gather women and couples around her to experience her own joy.
The experiences and new lifestyle are not without unique challenges as Erica discovers that the futa world, the futanari world, is highly structured and hierarchical. She rebels against these rigid rules and social structures and the injustices it has historically caused in and outside the futanari world.
The caste system is wrong to her, and she eventually finds a powerful ally who sees the world as she does.
Along the way in this series you will meet new characters, all of whom share this mythical world with a race we can only imagine.
The futas are aggressive, larger than life, and very promiscuous.
If you enjoy erotica, sit back and enjoy The Tales of Eidolon: The Futanari, paranormal erotica at its finest.